Freedom Lutheran Church

who we are
Freedom Lutheran Church is a small,
family-integrated Lutheran church,
planted in the fields of rural Illinois.
Each of our identities is important to us and to our church life! Click through the menu options or scroll to learn more about them!

we are bible-centered
We believe, teach, and confess that the Bible is our only true and trustworthy guide for life and eternity, authored by the Holy Spirit, and given for our salvation. It reveals to us who God really is, who we really are, and how we can come to know Him and have abundant life-giving fellowship with Him.
The Bible contains two crucial themes: the Law, which declares what a perfectly holy God justly demands of us who could never accomplish it, and the Gospel, which proclaims what our loving, forgiving God has freely done for us, because we were unable to fulfill that Law.

we are Lutheran
We believe, teach, and confess that the historical doctrines of the Lutheran Church are the best framework for understanding Scripture, the most faithful explanations of Biblical teachings, and those closest to the teachings of Christ & apostles.
We are confessional Lutherans, understanding that the role of the church is two-fold: to faithfully proclaim God’s Word and to correctly administer the Sacraments.
We believe, teach, and confess that the Word and Sacraments are to be received by faith as means of grace which God uses to deliver forgiveness and salvation personally to us.
We believe, teach, and confess that God honors a child-like faith which accepts His Word astrue despite any perceived unresolved logical tensions which may exist.

we are Family-Integrated
We are committed to practices that build family ties and effectively pass the faith to our children, at both home and church, for time and eternity. We:
Worship together
Pray together
Eat together
Learn together
Serve together
We strive to build strong families of multi-generational faithfulness, participating in God’s promise to give Abraham descendants in the one, true faith as numerous as the stars.
(Genesis 15:5)
We acknowledge the Scriptural foundation of the parent-led family as the basic unit of church and society.

we are a small, country church
We are committed to building up and employing the gifts and talents of every member for God’s glory and blessing.
We are committed to building/growing deepening relationships among all who attend, irrespective of age, marital status, position, etc.
We enjoy the blessing of diverse backgrounds and heritage being knit together as one family of families within the Kingdom of God.
We are thankful for a long and storied history in La Salle County.
Our denominational affiliation is with the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations, believing that the local congregation is the correct form of the Church on earth, being under the sole authority of Word and Spirit.